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Forum News

Annual Conference on the History of Labour Law

Dec. 2, 2022

Zwischen Zunft und Obrigkeit - Rechtsfragen vormoderner Arbeitsverhältnisse

Online, 9 December 2022, 9:30 am - 4:30 pm (Local Time Germany)

The 2022 annual conference of the Initiative Arbeitsrechtsgeschichte (Max-Planck-Institute for Legal History and Legal Theory) is dedicated to specific questions of early modern urban labour relations. The focus lies on fragmented, status-related labour relations that were subject to different normative levels at the same time, such as those of craftspeople below the level of master, municipal employees and indentured servants.

The papers at the conference will analyse the possible varieties of contractual arrangements, specific conflicts and the related issue of social security. Looking at such case studies of the pre-modern period enables us to reflect on the specific achievements of labour law in the modern constitutional and welfare state and to identify historical patterns across epochs.

To take part, please register by emailing hsi@boeckler.de. The access link to the online conference will be sent a few days before the event begins.

Source: https://www.lhlt.mpg.de/events/32853/2078412 (2.12.2022)