Forum News
Forschungskolloquium: "Collaboration, Control and Conflict in the Administration of Criminal Justice in Comparative Perspective: Buenos Aires and Minas Gerais during the Late Colonial Period"
13. Januar 2020
- Datum: 02.03.2020
- Uhrzeit: 16:30 - 18:00
- Vortragende(r): Douglas Corrêa Santos (Universidade Federal Fluminense)
- Organisation: Thomas Duve, Manuel Bastias Saavedra (MPIeR)
- Ort: MPIeR (Max-Planck-Institut für Europäische Rechtsgeschichte, Hansaallee 41, 60323 Frankfurt)
- Raum: Vortragssaal des MPI
The Research Colloquium on Global Legal History offers a space for discussing ongoing research projects. The Research Colloquium will be held monthly over the course of the academic year. Scholars are invited to present their current work, and each presentation will be followed by a discussion focusing primarily on methods of global legal history. The Research Colloquium is open to the public.
For further information, please contact glono@rg.mpg.de