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Collegium of Roman Law - Agere per formulas: The Forms and Dynamics of Civil Justice in the Roman World

14. Oktober 2021

Date: from 10 to 28 January 2022

Place: Collegio Ghislieri, University of Pavia, Italy

Deadline for admissions: 21 October 2021 (for more information, see the poster attached)

The Center for Studies and Research on Ancient Law CEDANT of the University of Pavia is committed to the encouragement of advanced education and research in the field
of Roman and Ancient law.
Founded in 2002 thanks to the support of the University School for Advanced Studies IUSS Pavia, CEDANT became a Research Center within the Department of Law of the
University of Pavia in 2015. It operates in partnership with Collegio Ghislieri.
CEDANT avails itself of an international Scholarly Advisory Board and carries out its activities in collaboration with specialists who are selected as appropriate according to the
theme under study, and with respect for the broadest participation of the scholarly community and for the wide range of different methodologies.
For the academic year 2021-2022, CEDANT is organizing the fifteenth «Collegium of Roman Law», an intensive residential course of study. The «Collegium» brings together, for
three weeks in January 2022 at Collegio Ghislieri of Pavia, professors from Italian and foreign universities and early career scholars interested in the proposed theme as auditors.
The professors will conduct a series of seminars - in Italian and in English - characterized by strong educational unity and coherence, and which also represent an opportunity for
scholarly exchange and discussion. Each participant is invited to contribute actively to the development and pursuit of the research undertaken. A second stage, which will last
a week in the month of September 2022, allows the professors and the early career scholars to discuss and critique the research of the early career scholars. The aim is a joint publication in a volume to be published by Pavia University Press.